离小老虎的预产期还剩下短短的三个星期了,阿保也拿了产假回娘家待产,静待小老虎的降临。 放假前的那个星期,还忙着将手上的工作移交给同事,虽然加班了好几天,还是没能完全交清,只好叫同事自求多福了。
接下来的几天,会赶紧把待产包收拾好,随时做好赶赴医院迎接小老虎来临的准备!小老虎加油! 妈咪加油!
虽然我不能提供什么好意见, 但是如果觉得闷的话,记得多上网,和我们聊聊天哟!
The most important thing is to stay calm. Trust the doctor and nurses. You have your family with you and you are very supported and loved. We are here jiayou for you too! enjoy long night sleep while you still can ;)
ReplyDeleteYou have well prepared for the delivery... Sure it will be a smooth delivery! Just prayer for you and little tiger last nite. No worries, you will be a proud mother 3 weeks later. =D
ReplyDeletehehe, my sister and sil are both "choose date" to deliver, so, we just pack the thing on that day and ready for that. Think yours is more exciting~ ;p like yian said: 一次生,两次熟, next time you will be experience enuff to tell Yann how is the process~ kekekeke
ReplyDeleteJia you Jia you~ If you free and bore, go to my house to visit my mum and take the small shoes and cap she did for little tiger ba~ ;)
谢谢各位姐妹们的支持鼓励! 虽然有点紧张,可是也很期待! 有你们还有家人、老爷的支持,加上小老虎一向的贴心、乖巧,相信一切会很顺利的!Yeah~~~
ReplyDelete小燕子,需要这么夸张吗? 哈哈~~~