第一次做,不过觉得成品还出得了场面啦。要特别提的是,这次的作品是和老爷一起落手落脚做的哦!!! 老爷不但负责用mixer打蛋和牛油做成面团,还很细心的帮忙将面团放入模型里慢慢压出所要的形状,加入鸡肉松,再盖上面团才算成型。真的是一点都不马虎哦!!! 真的要在这里好好的夸奖我家老爷!!!
口感和味道都还不错。挞的部分还挺满意的,很香很松,只是个人觉得馅料鸡肉松(是买现成的美真香肉松)咸了点。我想,下次应该要用无盐牛油做挞的材料,不然内馅加外皮都带咸就太过了。又想,肉松里加入炒香的芝麻,应该会更井上添花。 有兴趣的朋友,可以跟我那食谱哦 =D
注: 其实也尝试了做瑞士卷,不过不成功。等下次成功再和大家分享。
floss tart is yummy lah
ReplyDeletebut the 瑞士卷 really cannot make it lah
sorry ( shi hua shi shuo)
ReplyDeleteIt is not bad! delicious. next time when KL team comes, you can bake floss tarts to them ya~~
ReplyDeletejia you!
Wow... bobo, u r very good at baking already. Your tarts look like those in the bakery! =)
ReplyDelete小燕子&Grace,下次有机会再做给你们吃 =D
Vanessa,你过奖了啦。。。还有待改进咯。当然要选比较美的来拍照啦,丑丑的摆后面做朦胧的背景,哈哈哈 =D
Yo~~ I finally able to eat the last piece of the tart~~ really really nice, I love floss also~~
ReplyDeleteAnd I had the pandon chiffon cake yesterday, it's nice also~~ bo, Jia You~~
peng, u still keep your promise, good gal.... =D
ReplyDeleteWith the support of your laoye, trust you can make just everything. The power of love :)
ReplyDeleteHaha.....if next time you gals volunteer to help I can make more to distribute =D The power of friendship!!!