我可是从不止一个朋友口中听过这句话哦!!! 再观察路上的行人,人手一个LV手袋,简直成了“国民包包”了。可想而知,赞成及奉行这句话的大有人在。虽说我没有很认同,但也“应景”的在今年的欧洲行添了个LV包。
上周末,特地陪伴女友020逛名店,事因她的好男友说要给她买个名牌包包喔(羡慕)。LV、Burberry、Gucci、Miu Miu等等,这还是我第一次在新加坡“逛”名牌商品店咧。虽说是名牌店,光顾的人可不少,可以说是门庭若市。进LV店还得在外面排队呢,好像在等领免费赠品!我们三个女人,一面看,一面讨论该买哪一个包包。从设计款式,价钱,功用,几个包包看了又看,比了又比。。。叽叽喳喳的讨论这几个包包各自的优缺点。好在店员们都还很耐心服务,不像电视上说的那种瞧不起人的态度。最后,020小姐终于买到了心水的包包,不虚此行 =D
what , ni yi wei "tian tian steamboat" ya
ReplyDeleteyi shen zhong yao chang yi chi
ya ...yi ge jiu hao lah bu yao tai duo
tian tian steamboat ye si yi shen chang yi chi jiu hao le bu yao zai qu le :p
kekeke, end up I still don't know which bag that 20 bought, 1080 or 2500?
ReplyDeletewa, in this case, I should also get myself one LV right? start to cut my lunch and dinner from next month and save for LV~~ ;p
so far, i am not so desperate to have LV bag. maybe i am waiting for someone to buy for me.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteEnd up Ms. 020 bought 1590 lor =P
ReplyDeleteIf I ever bought a LV bag that is because of the quality, not the brand. Again, for that much money I can easily buy many other things. Bottom line, I want to have a bag that last forever and easy to match clothes and good for all occations. Will there be a bag like this?