Sunday, June 6, 2010

宝宝购物乐 - Round 1


小baby的衣服真的很kawaii,让人爱不释手!真的要很节制、很理智才不会乱买。不如把钱省下来买些实际的必需品。像baby床、手推车、背带,甚至是奶瓶消毒蒸气机,都不便宜呢。 昨天去Expo的motherhood exhibition 就在挣扎要不要买下Philips Avent 的奶瓶消毒蒸气机。最后还是没买下。也许会趁这两个月的GSS到处看看有没有什么好lobang。 =D


  1. ya...very cute...
    i realized that giraffe is popular animal :P

  2. Good mum:)
    never heard of 奶瓶消毒蒸气机. sounds expensive wor. how much ah?

  3. 哇!那么快就开始购物咯!有时觉得小孩的衣服比大人的还有好看。

  4. Enjoy Shopping! =) You are a smart consumer. Yes, buying during sales period can end up save u a lot of money.

  5. Yo~ Glad to hear that you enjoy the shopping oh~ My sister is using the Avent Product, it's quite good. The 奶瓶消毒蒸气机 is very convenient, worth to buy, cos previously my sister staying at up-stair which can help the hassle to bring the hot water up and down (old style to 消毒 is using the boil water to cover the milk bottle). BTW, Avent products are much more cheaper to buy in Singapore than Malaysia.

  6. Graceeee,
    I also realised that giraffe is 1 of the favourite animals printed on baby clothing, haha =D

    I am referring to Electric Steam Steriliser. In the expo fair, this was offered at S$120 for a set (which can put in 6 milk bottles). Quite a good deal.

    I remembered u recommended Avent also. My coll said can order for me thru his friend who is working in Philips, who entitles 20% disc. =D

  7. Chai Ling,
    What you said is true! Baby clothing is so cute!!! Really difficult to resist from buying! =D

    That's what I think. Buy during sales may save $$ =D If if out of control may end up spending more =P

  8. Ya, Avent products hard to have sell, the most is 20% only. I also check if there is discount, then buy for my sister. The sterilizer S$120 is cheap, normal price up to $175, btw, you have to check whether it's the latest version, cos the previous version selling in more cheaper price.

  9. Bo, it is good to start shopping earlier then you don't have to rush and end up buying expensive stuffs. I remember I bought my bro Avent steam sterliser which can only clean two bottles last time in Singapore at a cheaper price too. My thought is they won't use so many milk bottles at one shot so why buy a big one? hehe..

  10. Bo, it is good to start shopping earlier then you don't have to rush and end up buying expensive stuffs. I remember I bought my bro Avent steam sterliser which can only clean two bottles last time in Singapore at a cheaper price too. My thought is they won't use so many milk bottles at one shot so why buy a big one? hehe..

  11. 你们啊~应该多用中文留言...
    毕竟这是中文部落格, 全是英文看了好奇怪=_="


  12. 哈哈~~宝2姐说的也是。不过他们其中有些没中文输入吧?

  13. 学姐说的对啦~ 可是我们有时就是懒啊,懒惰换中文输入~

  14. Bo, have not update the round2 on last Saturday? hahaha
